Making new buddies with old faces.
Getting Mark Danskin Jr's NPC properly dressed. At the dinner table. Again. (For those that know the L.O.R.E./Sinclair dynamic from LE, that alone was chuckle-worthy.)
Scorch! Cassette! Parker! Madrigus! Gus! Sally! Ondre! Mister Sleet! Dr. Kelsey Graham(er)! Professor(DOCTOR!)! Mr. Jones! Aurora! Peeps who needed a hit! Peeps who just liked candy! And more!
Finding a tracking thingie and realizing that Sasquatch probably lives!
Not getting hit all weekend!
Bad Drugs mod and "seeing a dude blow his brains out across the snow" was particularly screwy for Red.
Getting a nickname (Red!) in general! Must try hair in Fraggle style next time.
Stratego! Chess! Apples to Apples! THE DOOR TO NARNIA IN THE DINER!
Homeless Signs! Lost & Found!
Maple Sausage Breakfast Sandwiches!
That we live in an awesome apartment cabin thingie! Security Systems!
Crystalized Ginger!
Poseidon Corporation!
Getting people to laugh or roll their eyes!
AMIZON! <3 The best part is getting to name your own stuff. Did you know you can even type in flavor text? It doesn't print out yet, but I'm hoping it will! I can make (practically) ANYTHING, baby! As long as it's Intrinsic.
Speaking of Intrinsic, I'm surprised that I'm like the only Intrinsic Human in this town that's finding out all about races and magic and bullshit and is flying off the handle about it (but Word knows Red ain't got de wpns to fight it if she could, so). "DEMONS?! CHANGELINGS?! FURRY PEOPLE?! I feel like I'm in a Con gone Wrong! Like I'm being Punked!"
Watching other people role-play is also quite interesting.
That's all I've got for now. More later if/when I recall it.Statistics: Posted by redraverfae — Tue Apr 08, 2014 6:33 pm