1) No cost to you. Food is free (breakfast Sat/Sun, Dinner Sat). We also have a fridge we stock with sandwiches, snacks and a bunch of other stuff in Monster Camp that's always plentiful and up for grabs.
2) We try to kick off around 10 PM. NPCs can cut the registration line, so just find registration (when you go, it's the little shack near the barn), so drop by and just let Ernie know you need to sign a waiver.
3) Please hit them anywhere not in the head and junk (if you can avoid it). Otherwise, smash them to your hearts content. And laugh while you do so!
4) Grab a bunk in the NPC bunkroom up in the main house (1st floor area you're referring to). Anything in that room is up for grabs. You'll need to wrestle Bishop (a player here) for couch space in the basement. I recommend not wrestling Bishop, not matter what he tells you. Plus, those couches are stanktastic, no matter what anyone says. Sleep in a bed.
5) We try to stop around 2AM both nights. Although some plot will still be going on, if you're tired, feel free to to to sleep. I know I do... I am a man who loves his sleep.
-Staff Ken-Statistics: Posted by ken — Thu May 02, 2013 10:08 pm