She frowned in thought. "I think you'd need to do it in a way that didn't erase anyone from existence. I mean...CAN the typewriter erase people from existence? That's fucking scary, if it can. But..." She waved a hand in the air. "What if, it never was real? Mo's boyfriend never died; they were in love and happy together, and as a result Mo drifted away from Jasper, the way sometimes happens. Mo found her own happiness with her boy and forgot her childhood dreams of wealth and power, leaving Jasper alone in town still clinging to those dreams. He snapped - his mind buckled under the strain, concocting this elaborate fantasy where Mo's boy died through no fault of Jasper's, Mo came running back to Jasper, and Jasper had to be the hero who would save her. But, as nightmares do, it went awry; he knew, deep down in his heart of hearts, that he'd lost Mo to a man who'd appeared seemingly from nowhere. It was easier to think he'd lost her in blood and pain than to believe she'd left him of her own volition because she was happier somewhere else, and deep down in his psyche he'd always believed that her leaving him was his own fault.
"And this, all of this, this entire journey with the typewriter and all of you as authors, is him struggling to come to terms with the truth. Working through the nightmare so that he can face the reality. That Mo is alive, and happy. That she succeeded where he failed, that she didn't need him to live happier ever after. In the end, Jasper finds a way to accept that, and is able to make peace with himself, forgive Mo for leaving him, and move on with his own life."
Kelsey tilts her head to one side. "Then again, the idea that the typewriter can bring people back from the dead is almost as scary as thinking it can wipe people from existence. But...what if it was true all along? The Mo we see is just a construct of the typewriter and Jasper''s mind, and the real Mo went on to have a happy life somewhere?"Statistics: Posted by Owle Isohos — Mon Dec 07, 2015 11:11 am