"It makes a lot more sense if you take the long view in this matter. When things are in balance for a while, everyone is happy. Great works finally get started or finished. Folks have a chance to stop and smell the roses. What no one ever counts on is what happens when you're done sniffing all the roses and you exhausted all your grand plans. After a while; boredom sets in and you start to wonder if it wasn't better when the world tittered on the brink. Desperation being the mother of all Inspiration and all that. Some these bored bastards start asking all the wrong questions. 'How can we get the roller coasters running again but without needing those pesky safety bars?'
" 'Do we honestly need to pay for staff to just stand there pushing buttons? Doesn't the chain pulling us along and gravity do the rest?'
" 'How hard is it to take over a dinky little ride like this?' "
Henry shrugs "Forgive the metaphor, please, but you see where it is going. After so long with everything running smooth...ish, there are those who start wondering what if the warnings of yesteryear mean nothing now. They think because they have the guns, the brains, and the science to bend the old wives tales to their will. They'll even bring in those they consider sideshow mystics to wave their hands like they're told. And if they find out there are those standing in their way...well, you know what comes next."
"They find a spot between 'The Here' and 'There' and begin pushing and podding. They see dollar signs where they should see warnings. They read 'Wealth for Ages" instead of "Abandon all hope".
And what no one expects, what no one realizes until too late is that we're not the only ones who enjoy times of balance. This world gets tired of wars. It gets tired of swallowing its children generations at a time. It does not relish the feeling of vermin trying to dig into its sensitive bits. So, The World gets mean. It gets cunning. It gets those it trusts to get the job done and brings them to where they need to be. Be it by hook, crook, carrot, stick, or unpleasantness unique to each of us."
Henry nods to Kelsey "I'll admit, I don't think it's ever been so serious so many...uh...unique individuals have been brought together before. It should give you a good idea of how deep in the hole we are right now."Statistics: Posted by Henry Gondorf — Wed Oct 29, 2014 12:58 pm